Are you worried or unsure about the quality of receiving calls? Maybe you are worried your current network settings are not compatible with our service? Perhaps you want to check if your PBX can connect to our service?

Whatever the reason or doubts, you can test our service to check the quality as well as the programming for your specific location!

test runHow to Test our Service:

Follow the instructions or settings mentioned below to test our service:

Extension Settings

Start by downloading and installing the free phone software on your computer (PC, Laptop, or others). You can easily find the proper instructions for downloading or installing the software here.

The settings are mentioned below:

domain name:

User: 7199199656

Pass: *d4rwqB5

SIP Trunk Settings

Use the settings mentioned below for the SIP Trunk:

User: 7199199656

Secret: *d4rwqB5

Type: peer

Port: 5060

Qualify: Yes


Allow: All


DTMF: rfc2833

DTMFMode: rfc2833

Also, add a “Register String” using the information below:


Once the installation process is complete, you can check the lines by dialing this number: +97239707000. If you hear the sound from the main call router (ITC), it means everything is set up correctly. You can select extension 1 to call our sales department – This will allow you to call an agent from our salesperson and also experience the quality of the call at the same time.

If you are interested in our service, click here and get a virtual phone number for any location in the world, also feel free to contact us and get a quote. Our team will be more than happy to provide you with quality service!

Sales, click to chat